How Can You Make Your Website More Convenient to Your User?

How Can You Make Your Website More Convenient to Your User?

The essence of creating a website is to provide solutions to web users. These solutions can be in form of products and services. However, web users will have to access your website to get the solutions you are proffering. Your website is the pathway while the solution is the treasure.

Your website is most likely not the only website proffering such solution. To this effect, it is important to make it very easy for the customer to access the solution. Improving the user experience or UX will make your website more convenient for web users. Below are some tips to improve user experience.

Improve the Contents of Your Homepage

Whenever a web visitor inputs the URL of your website, they are usually directed to the homepage. It begs the question of “why do web operators do not create an engaging homepage?” There are tons of websites whose homepage have remained the since the establishment of the website.

Improve the Contents of Your Homepage

This does not mean web operators will have to make drastic changes to their homepage. However, it is necessary to change the content of the website’s homepage. Instead of leaving it the same, use it as an auxiliary news platform. You can drop snippets of latest news related to your industry. It can also serve as a mini medium product or service launching.

Improve the Contents of Other Webpages

Improve the Contents of Other Webpages

While your homepage is the destination for web users who visit your website via your URL, it is not the only page on your website. There are various webpages on a website. An e-commerce website using the Woocommerce mix and match plugin has multiple product pages. Even regular websites have multiple pages.

It is essential to improve the content of these webpages. Improving webpages involves more than adding more content to these webpages. This process also involves improving existing contents these webpages. Working on existing web content also improves the SEO and SERP rating of your website.

Use the Three Click Menu Approach

User experience comes down to the accessibility of your website. The menu of your website determines how accessible it is to web users. Some web operators do not properly organize their menus. The best approach to menu organization is the three click menu.

Like its name states, the three click menu ensures that web users access everything in the menu with three clicks. The first click opens the menu, the second click opens the sub menus and the third click directs web users to the options of the sub menus. If your menu requires more than three clicks to access its content, you should modify it.

Opt for a Flowing Menu Icon

It is often the simple features that make the difference. Most websites have a fixed menu. This means that web users will always have to scroll back to the top to access the menu. Sometimes, you need to use the Woocommerce shop as customer plugin. This plugin allows you view your website or online store as a customer.

One feature that will make your website more convenient for web users is using an “ever accessible” menu button. A flowing menu icon is accessible to the web user regardless of the part of the web page the web user is viewing.

Optimize for Mobile Viewing

Most people access the internet via mobile devices like phones and tablets. The difference in screen size is significant. Making web users scroll up, left, down and right multiple times is not convenient. This is why you have to optimize your website for mobile viewing.

Optimize for Mobile Viewing

To optimize your website for mobile viewing, you can create both a desktop and mobile view versions. You can also optimize your website to shrink to the screen size of the device used in accessing it. Also, ensure that your website is compatible with web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge and so on.

Optimize the Loading Speed of Your Website

This is quite simple. It starts with using content management system that downsizes the multimedia files you upload. You may also need a plugin for this feature. If your CMS does not do it automatically, you can use down sizing tools to reduce the image size without affecting its quality.

Instead of directly uploading them, you can embed images, videos and audios on your website. This may require a bit of coding knowledge, but it is worth it.

Use Simple Layouts for Website Structure

Simplicity is always best when it comes to web design. Do not try to be artistic, unless you are designing some art portfolio. Keep the format simple and make it easy for web users to find their way around. opt for formats or layouts that give snippets of what a link contains. This is similar to the use of meta descriptions.

Allow White Spaces on Webpages

Concise and minimal content properly complements a simple web design layout. The term “white spaces” does not exactly mean that the space must be white. It only means that you should allow some parts of your website to be free from any form of content. Allow the background of your website appear in some parts of your website.

Do not cover every inch of your website with words, images or videos. The content should satisfy web users, not overwhelm them.

Most website operators do everything for a better SEO and SERP rating. Meanwhile, search engines are adjusting their algorithms to ensure better user experience (UX). Better user experience means web users conveniently explore website. Instead of focusing on SEO, focus on making your website more convenient for web users and watch your SEO grow.

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